Saturday, December 28, 2013

one that never rotten

....Maybe a sentence can describe the whole thing.
And that will be "FUCK MY LIFE!" 

Saya nggak tahu lagi sama kuliah saya. Yes I love architecture, but not in this painful way. Damn. Mungkin banyak orang yang liat saya nggak berprogress pas studio. Yes, I admit it. Tapi yang perlu digarisbawahi adalah : saya tetap mengerjakan studio TETAPI BUKAN DI STUDIO. Nggak tahu kenapa, saya selalu merasa tertekan ketika saya di studio. Saya selalu takut pekerjaan saya dicela. Mungkin itu sebuah phobia, mungkin.. Selama ini saya selalu mengerjakan di perpustakaan atau di manapun tempat yang sepi. Sampai saya harus rela mengorbankan asistensi. Saya tahu saya salah, tetapi ini masalah ketenangan batin. Saya takut akan kekalahan. Saya takut akan kritikan. I guess I have very big pride, too big pride. Sampai saat ini, saya selalu mengerjakan studio dengan black box dengan konsekuensi banyak kesalahan dan tidak dipercaya orang.

Itu semua cuma prolog. Cerita baru dimulai setelah kalimat ini.

So, we have several friends who kinda having a hard time in architecture. So do I. Sampai akhirnya beberapa teman cerita ke seorang 'pejabat'. Apa yang mereka ceritakan bukan soal saya. Tetapi masalah lain yang tidak bisa saya ceritakan di blog ini. Namun, chit-chatting tadi benar-benar 'tepat sasaran' atau lebih tepatnya 'nyasar' juga ke saya. Prolog di atas sudah menggambarkan dengan gamblang kondisi saya. Saya juga bermasalah. Yaaaa walaupun mungkin dosen tidak berpikiran bahwa saya bermasalah, tetapi pikiran saya selalu dipenuhi kekalutan. Apalagi saya tidak pernah mendapat nilai memuaskan di mata kuliah studio ini. Motherfuckeeeeeeer. Saya pingin nangis sejadi-jadinya sambil berharap saya bukan orang punya problem. 

Setelah baca tulisan saya, terserah kalian mau nge-judge saya apa. Tapi yang saya tulis benar-benar sesuai dengan keadaan saya. Saya pingin SURVIVE sampai saya lulus nanti. Saya masih ingin berusaha. I don't wanna rotten in this small problem. Wish me luck, and May Allah SWT give me strength to face this hard, even the hardest reality. Amin.

a cold and empty hole, the darkest place I know is where I hid myself for so long.

If I had just one wish I'd find a way to stay, stay inside forever all alone.
but would you understand?
If I still wanted to change, throw it all away and start over again...

I've seen all there is to see. The best and worst of me.
so now it's time to face these enemies

-P.T.P×Masato from coldrain & 葉月 from lynch.-

Sunday, November 24, 2013

my new muse

Pay money To my Pain

I played this song over and over again.
I love how they put their emotion in this song.
Very beautiful, yet ironic.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Ini keren.
Udah gitu aja.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Manga : Sanctuary (1990-1995)

Gimana liburan? Puas?

Hah, kalo saya sih jelas belum puas. Bawaannya pingin molor terus di kasur. Musim masuk kuliah gini emang harus nyicil mikir biar konsentrasi tetep on. Nah, how about read something serious? Itung-itung buat pemanasan otak gitu lah, tapi dengan cara yang lebih fun : BACA KOMIK!

Okay, today’s sneak peak is Sanctuary –a twelve-volume best seller graphic novel which is created by Fumimura Sho and illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami, and had been released in English years ago.

Sanctuary featured 2 protagonists  (yang sebenernya bukan sepenuhnya ‘protagonis’)  yaitu Akira Hojo dan Chiaki Asami. Keduanya merupakan survivor dari Perang Kamboja bertahun-tahun silam lamanya. Being the  (two) last man standing means striving for a better tomorrow : making Japan their own sanctuary. Tentunya dengan jalan masing-masing (yang anehnya ditentukan dengan suit batu gunting kertas) dan bermuara pada sebuah kenyataan : Akira Hojo menjadi seorang yakuza dan Chiaki Asami menjadi seorang Japanese Diet. 

Awalnya, Akira Hojo hanyalah minor boss, begitu pula dengan Chiaki Asami yang hanya menjadi seorang sekretaris seorang politisi. Dengan latar belakang yang begitu kelam, mereka berambisi untuk menggapai pencapaian tertinggi dalam usia yang masih sangat muda : Akira Hojo with his dream uniting all major Yakuza under his banner, and Chiaki Asami becoming the youngest PM in Japan.

Sementara itu, berbagai rintangan harus mereka hadapi untuk mewujudkan ambisi itu. Di lain pihak, Kyoko Ishihara, seorang Kepala Deputi Kepolisian, diam-diam mencari celah untuk menemukan bukti-bukti kejahatan Akira Hojo serta menguak hubungan Hojo-Asami yang terselubung. Namun, pada kenyataanya, Kyoko Ishihara justru jatuh cinta pada Akira Hojo.

Pada akhirnya, keduanya berhasil memenuhi ambisinya. Namun, apa mau di kata, Asami Chiaki meninggal setelah dirinya berhasil memenangkan pemilu.

  • Karena manga ini porno bhahahahhaha nggak lah.. Manga ini bagus karena memang jalan ceritanya bagus dan idenya sangat realistisPersonally, I like this kind of genres (reality, politics, etc) better than the fantasy and sci-fi ones. Sanctuary, by all means, is very thrilling from the very beginning yet breathtaking in the end. Kebanyakan pengarang nggak pernah berniat untuk memunculkan ide politik, historis, dan yakuza ke dalam 1 scene yang serius sehingga konfliknya pun kompleks. Seperti contoh manga 'Ouroboros', mereka memang menyajikan persahabatan antara polisi dengan yakuza, tapi nggak tau kenapa kalo baca ini malah banyak LOL momentnya. Hahahaha. Memang sih banyak visualisasi gambar implisit yang termasuk 'disturbing' semacam sexual contents, harassment and abusing, badmouthing, murdering, hingga money fraudulence, tapi menurut saya konsentrasi dari cerita bukan itu jadi ya ceritanya mengalir seperti biasa. Vulgar sih vulgar, but 20 years old man LEGALLY reads mature content, right?! Bah *digampar*

  • Alasan kedua : Tokoh utama nggak harus orang yang baik-baik. Buat saya, ini ide segar tersendiri. Otomatis POV dari cerita juga dilihat dari perspektif yang berbeda. Tapi bukan berarti cerita ini mengajarkan tentang sesuatu yang amoral lho! Justru sebaliknya, Sanctuary punya pesan agar manusia tetap semangat menjalani hidup dengan segala tantangannya. 

  • Bahkan di komik thriller kayak gini juga ada romancenya lhoh pals! Ini nih alasan selanjutnya kenapa komik ini menurut saya keren. Konflik ditambah dengan cinta-cintaan antara Akira Hojo si yakuza dengan Kyoko Ishihara si Kepala Deputi Kepolisian yang sudah lama mengincar si Hojo. Whooaa, you know things are never simple, aight?

  • Selanjutnya, kekuatan ilustrasi yang setingkat FFFUUUUUU-level. Artwork yang dikerjain sama Ryoichi Ikegami-san emang sangat rapi dan detail. Render pun oke, bukan render 'ngusek'. Proporsi manusia juga pas nggak kayak Captain Tsubasa bhahahaha. 

Sooo, What’s greater than a complex story about mafia and politician?  
And what’s more romantic than a love story between villain and the protagonist? 
That’s why this manga deserved ‘read-worthy’ label. 
Stick it! 

Sanctuary © Sho Fumimura & Ryoichi Ikegami
I do not own all graphics here or Sanctuary itself.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

blind love

For the first time in my life,
I felt the pain of heartbroken.

Strange, isn't it?
I never know him.
And he's even overseas.
Then why can I feel this ache after knowing him had married someone?
He's just my idol after all. 

Semoga google translatenya salah Ya Allah :'(

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Overboard (1987)

Holiday, everyone? What up?
Well, some movies can be your best partner ever. And now, I bring an 80’s romantic-comedy movie starred by Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel. Check out and beware of spoilers!

It started when Joanne Stayton (Goldie Hawn) –a rich (virgin) wife - who was spoilt, arrogant, and childish called a carpenter to remodel her closet. And here he came, a carpenter named Dean Proffitt (Kurt Russel), an immature  man with 4 kiddos whose wife died 3 years ago. Disappointed of Dean’s work, Joanne refused to pay him and let him go without any fees.

Dean Proffitt

Joanne Stayton

The conflict started here, where suddenly Joanne left her wedding ring on the deck. She wanted to take it but unfortunately she dripped to the sea, and.. had an amnesic. Her news was even on TV *lol*. Knowing her wife didn’t recollect her remembrance, Mr. Stayton pretended that he didn’t recognize her and left her alone in hospital.

"The bitch!"

On the other side, Dean who previously annoyed of Joanne’s selfishness, planned an evil thing : made Joanne to be his housekeeper and a babysitter for his sons. *double lol*. So he went to the hospital, convinced the doctor that Joanne was his wife (lol, he said her maiden name was Annie Golihy, WHAT A LIAR!)  and told that they had been married for 13 years. Joanne denied at first and asked for a proof. And that proof was her strawberry-like birthmark on her left ass. Voila! Dean took ‘his wife’, Annie, back home.

'Annie Proffit'

Day by day, Annie spent her time to handle the house hold, fix the homework, babysit ‘her’ kids, and take care of their school matter. Day by day too, Dean started to fell in love with her...

Proffitt's guys : Travis, Joey, Charlie, and Greg

"You shot chicken?"

The couple played the role as if there’s no fake. And Annie magically believed every single word Dean told.

 Until one day, Mr. Stayton came to their house and suddenly her memories jogged. Dean, who had fallen for her, finally said that all the things he told before were lies : both her name and their marriage. Realizing the fact, Annie Joanne decided to back to her rich life, leaving Dean and the kids behind.

Back to her life, didn’t mean blissful for her. Instead, she felt so lonely. Everybody in her family was so freaky busy with their owns. She admitted that she missed Dean right after her own husband told the truth that he left her on the hospital.
Long story short, Dean and the kids, who had regarded Annie as their own family, fortunately run for her by the sea. And fate brought them together. Forever and after.

This movie is quite entertaining with an easy plot. 
No need to think hard, it's a comedy after all. 
I love how the romance emerged between 2 of them and I think this film is a good choice for your holiday.

Well, see ya!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Buku Pelajaran Sekali Pakai?

Udah baca beritanya belum?
Kalo belum, silahkan baca di kaskus atau kemdikbudnya langsung..

Sayang ya?
Padahal waktu zaman saya SD dulu, emang 1 buku tuh buat 7 keturunan. Alasannya? Tentu saja lebih hemat biaya daripada harus beli baru. Lagian isinya sama aja. Kalaupun beda, itupun cuma dibolak-balik halamannya dan paling gambarnya diprint full color. Bayangin aja, mas saya sama saya pake buku yang sama lho padahal jarak usia kami 4 tahun.

Coba ditinjau lagi keputusan ini deh pak-pak pemerintah.. (Idih, baru kali ini saya nulis serius gini hahaha) Okesih kalo yang diperbaharui itu macem LKS gitu karena kan emang buat ngerjain soal. Tapi kalo cuma buku diktat heloooooo dari kurikulum lama ke KBK ke KTSP atau apalah itu nyatanya juga sama aja. Saran aja nih, yang diperbaharui itu harusnya bukan kuantitas tapi kualitasnya. Baik kualitas isi buku sama pengajarnya plus moralnya.

Lebih penting lagi, apa yang jadi wacana dalam berita ini bertentangan dengan kampanye GREEN yang sering dikoar-koarkan sama anak-anak muda sekarang. Masalah seperti ini tuh ye, macem bapak yang nggak setuju sama keputusan sama anaknya kuliah di jurusan yang diinginkan. PHP banget kan..

Coba dipikir, kalo kita bikin buku baru tiap tahunnya. Liat penduduknya dong berapa juta orang yang sekolah. Dipikirnya negara Indonesia penduduknya cuma 10 orang apa? Harus berapa banyak pohon yang ditebang buat bikin kertas heh? Yakin Indonesia masih banyak pohon? Kalo masih banyak pohon kenapa masih ada wilayah yang banjir atau kepanasan secara ekstrem? Kalo masih banyak pohon kenapa masih ada yang longsor? Pret ini mah.


Yaudah deh segitu aja.
Mohon maaf kalo kata-kata saya salah.
Yang diatas itu BUKAN PEMIKIRAN, melainkan CURHATAN.
Viva generasi 90!

Monday, April 1, 2013

electro and some randoms

I'm not into techno/electro/dubstep music before
But lately some songs are really thrilling me.
Maybe you should try these too..

David Guetta

Steve Aoki


and because I'm a Japanholic, I would recommend you this :

Atom on Sphere

Some of their songs :
Goodnight Blue

A song titled "Molotov"
Too bad I can't embed it here.
But sure, Molotov is their first single and it reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaalllyyyyy kick my ass!

C'mon and listen it!

Friday, March 29, 2013



A happy (expired) birthday to me.
And I wish a super duper happy birthday to all Pisceans and March-ers.

Great thanks for kiky, wachyu, ayuko, putri, bila, rahmi, miftah, arsyi, adri, wawan, janu, damar, suva, acik, mbak handini and all folks who wished me a good birthday.
Super besties rere, cyntia, and tara who kindly texted me.
Old fellas feilla, nadya, etc.
My fams : mas gilang, mbak vita, mama+bapak, puspa, dewa
An upperclassman for komennya di FB bikin seru. lol

Very special thanks for Solo-ers gank : yayank (bukan 'Solo' sebenarnya), edho, dicki, santi, eta, donna who surprised me while doing the hectic MTD. Sssssh! Pakde was here. lol


Ah, Happy birthday too for Takumi Samejima!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tschumi's Parc De La Villette

A FEW of my (quite) success sketches (at my standard).
Yes, FEW!

Follie 8 : Cafe

Follie 17 : Ateliers Du Parc

I rarely draw perspective because it's such a trouble for me.
Those 2 are my trials. 
Sooo many failures : perspectives, coloring, everything.
Need to practice ASAP.
But I appreciate them anyway.

PS : 
My apologize for Mr. Bernard Tschumi, I ruin your artworks.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Aren't they?

...Just saying

Monday, February 4, 2013

rainbow playlist

current song(s) :

Pay Money To My Pain - Weight of My Pride
The vocalist has passed away right before The New Year's Eve of 2013.
R.I.P. K

Fade - Better Scarred
Breakthrough artist of the year. 
This is their old song, though.

Dustbox - Breakthrough
A trio punk rock band.

Atom on Sphere - Molotov



AKB48 - Baby Baby Baby
Idk how to describe it -_-

I just need to sway my ass until I laugh my ass off.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

dorama : Akumu Chan

These couple months I've watched a japanese drama (again). And I was hooked instantly for the main cast who are extremely famous there, Keiko Kitagawa and ... GACKT! Yes GACKT! I will say 2012 was such a busy year for GACKT since his projects -Yellow Fried Chickenz and Camui Gakuen- had bloody schedules this year. Plus, it remarked as a comeback for Keiko Kitagawa-san starring a drama again (I think). Special!

Just click it to see bigger image! 


The story focused on a transferred student named Kotou Yuiko who frequently had nightmare and the worse was that nightmare became reality sooner or later. She later asked Ayami, her homeroom teacher, to help her by interpreting every single nightmare she had and avoid it became reality. Ayami who lost her past memories, finally realized that she had the same ability, a secret which had been buried by Yuiko's grandfather. In the other hand, an ambitious professor Shiki Takashi tried to get closer to Ayami as her lover to prove the existence of prophetic dreams.

First episode, the story was quite epic. The main idea -dream (or should I say nightmare)- was interesting too. I think Kitagawa-san danced in Cinderella-like clothes with prince-suited Gackt was also a bonus lol. Child actress Manatsu Kimura who starred the main role as Yuiko also showed us a stunning act. This first episode was addictive enough. You've been warned!

The next 4 episodes were like ummm... it's okay to watch. But the story was kinda boring actually since it was only a repetition from the previous episodes. There were no 'new dream interpreted in a new way'. There were no scenes which made me scream like "Kyaaaa~ GACKT and Keiko!"  Okay, I know it's not pure a romance drama lol damn fangirling.

They're cute together :3

What next? I didn't get the computer graphics. The graphics annoyed me A LOT.  It should be more realistic. Anyhow, there were poor made, lack of impression.

But, started at episode 7, suddenly the plot changed. The story was more intense, more serious, darker, and more dynamic. It really played our emotions. The main background why Yuiko asked help to Ayami and why Ayami changed into a psychopath woman gradually appeared. Yet, the main reason of Shiki Takashi approching Ayami was still unraveled until episode 10. And I couldn't judge whether Shiki Takashi was a real villain or just a mad ambitious scientist. I hope the second one *cough*.

Overall, the entire show is soooooo great. Great casts, great story, and multiple twists. What a fun mix : suspense, sci-fi, comedy, school life, and romance. That's what I look for a drama. LOVE IT!

*Akumu-chan should have an SP episode -or 10 minutes longer final episode-*

Happy family (?)
source : akumu chan facebook

Make sure you watch all 11 episodes!

author's note :
Sorry, my english is bad! :)